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MindOfRez Net Worth $2 Million

What is MindOfRez’s net worth?

MindOfRez is a kid from the Big Apple who has a net worth of $2 million. He has a big reputation in one of the world’s biggest video games: Fortnite.

The NYC influencer and YouTube gamer may have been playing the multiplayer survival game with more than 350 million registered users since before it got huge, but he never put all his eggs in one basket.

Instead, MindOfRez stays agile with his career, his gaming, and his online presence.

Bryan Carti was born on the 18th of September, 1997, in New York City, New York.

The NYC kid was born and raised in the Big Apple by his mom, alongside his two younger siblings—Jayden and Kaylen Carti.

The younger boys sometimes feature in big bro’s videos—usually Kaylen when Bryan pranks him or pulls a surprise challenge on him.


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Prior to YouTube, Bryan had never had a real job, but he spent a lot of time on his hobbies.

What kind of hobbies did the young Carti have? Rapping and gaming mostly, but he always enjoyed spending time with his family, too.

When Fortnite hit the gamer scene in 2017, MindOfRez was too busy playing NBA and NFL games to try it.

Eventually, his buddy convinced him to try Fortnite, so he did—and he was hooked.

Carti has become so successful as a YouTuber and gamer that in 2019, he relocated his whole family—his mom and two brothers—to Los Angeles, California.

He got them set up with a house and works out of LA, where he can be part of the content creator hive.

It’s The Climb

MindOfRez chose YouTube as a safe place for him to share his gaming content.

He’d grown up watching YouTube more than he ever watched mainstream television, and he claims that YouTubers impacted his life in a fun way and helped shape him as a gamer.

Initially, he just wanted to give viewers the same kind of entertainment that the YouTubers he grew up watching had given him.

He credits YouTube as being a great platform to reach an audience all over the world and helping him build connections with people who could help drive his career.

And drive his career, they did. Fortnite—the game he loved—started to take hold of the mainstream gaming population.

The powers that be started encouraging him to move away from NBA gaming and use Fortnite, in keeping with social media trends.

As luck would have it, MindOfRez was way ahead of the curve.

MindOfRez’s subscriber count went up, increasing by hundreds of thousands.

Then, in May of 2018, he hit the golden number: 1 million subscribers.

Just three months later, he’d amassed another million, and by January of the following year, he had 3 million subscribers following his online career.

In March 2020, he celebrated 4 million subscribers—which he contributes to Fortnite’s massive fanbase.

It can’t just be that he plays Fortnite, though.

With 350 million players in 2021, and countless players streaming their gameplay on YouTube and Twitch, there’s something that makes MindOfRez stand out.

Letting It All Hang Out


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Carti’s fans love him for his openness, engaging personality, and willingness to get to know his fans.

He also shares a lot of himself in the hopes of improving his fans’ gameplay.

He has shared his gaming setup—a PS4, PC, good quality, affordable mic, and good lighting.

He’s talked about how long it takes him to create content—5 hours for a gaming video and up to 8 hours for a vlog or challenge video.

He’s also shared that his level of commitment is probably hard for others to maintain.

He doesn’t take days off, he doesn’t play Fortnite unless he’s filming it, and he has only ever made money within YouTube’s AdSense program.

He’s also willing to share the good with the bad.

After his mom played a prank on him, putting laxatives in his drink, she bore the brunt of severe backlash from viewers for poisoning him.

The video was deleted from YouTube.

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Big Brother Is Watching


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If there’s one thing Bryan Carti’s fans all know, it’s this: the guy is seriously protective of his family.

His mom features in a lot of his videos, and he counts her as his #1 supporter.

His brother, Kaylen, is often on the receiving end of a lot of MindOfRez’s cheeky pranks.

Then we have Jayden.

The middle child of the Carti family is not often involved in his big brother’s videos—and for good reason.

Bryan and his mom did a video addressing Jayden and why MindOfRez chooses not to showcase his middle sibling.

The answer is not so simple.

Jayden has special needs, which the family has chosen not to go into detail on in the public arena.

What they have shared is that raising Jayden can be challenging and that patience is paramount when it comes to his personality.

The family matriarch has spoken about Jayden’s speech development problems and also pointed out that the youngest son, Kaylen, often acts as a translator between mom and Jayden because he understands his brother’s language so clearly.

Bryan and his mom screenshotted some comments made by fans and viewers of MindOfRez’s videos.

While many of the comments were genuinely curious about Jayden and mindful of how they asked their questions, some were ignorant and entitled.

The Carti family were quick to call out the latter commenters—and praise the good ones.

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Net Worth

So, how much is MindOfRez worth? Bryan earned most of his wealth from selling merch and advertisements on his YouTube channel. Therefore, American YouTuber MindOfRez has an estimated net worth of $2 million.

On YouTube, Carti has over 990 million views, meaning about $2.8 million in revenue before taxes.

In 2019, Carti signed with Fullscreen for representation.

Want to get to know the Carti family better? Here’s MindOfRez pranking his 9 year old brother—in front of 19 million viewers.

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