How much does Miss Rachel make on YouTube?
When it comes to internet personalities, few are more recognizable than Miss Rachel.
Known as Miss Rachel, her real name is Rachel Griffin Accurso, and she is a US woman who has managed to build a massive net worth for herself.
If you listen to some claims, she is worth more than $10m – but, unlike many who make it big, she did not start off with much.
In fact, she claims to have started off with a big fat zero – nothing. Many of these ‘self-made millionaires’ are nothing of the sort, but it looks like Miss Rachel lives up to her reputation.
Short Biography
Born on the 18th of November 1980 in Biddeford, Maine, Miss Rachel is a YouTube personality with a focus on kids.
She holds a Master’s degree in musical education from New York University. That degree has clearly been put to good use, as she is now the proud owner of one of the most successful YouTube channels of its kind!

Aron Accurso and Ms. Rachel at Room To Grow’s 25th Anniversary Gala held at the Ziegfeld Ballroom on October 25, 2023 in New York City – @Getty
Accurso has made her name, particularly on YouTube, where she has become a bit of a sensation over a short period of time.
She became famous because she started to create YouTube content that was built around and targeted for kids who have speech delays.
Her own son had suffered from this problem, and she started to create what she called “Songs for Littles” – her own little range of YouTube songs for kids.
The videos have seen her elevated into the kind of territory often associated with big-name kids sensations like “Baby Shark” – and now, she stands as one of the most successful people in her field.
So, how much money does Miss Rachel make? Given her success, we can imagine it is a lot. The net worth of around $10m feels correct when you look at her success, the numbers she receives, and the kind of endorsements that having such a wholesome social media personality can create.
Her channel, with well over 8.8m followers, has seen her become a famous name for kids, parents, and educators alike. Her famous pink shirts and headbands have made her instantly recognisable to anyone who is trawling YouTube looking for something to put on for their kids.
Is She Married?
Yes, she is. Miss Rachel married her husband, Aron Accurso, in 2016. Her husband works within Broadway productions and has played a role in helping to get the Miss Rachel YouTube channel off the ground.

Aron Accurso attends the 20th annual Kleban Prize in Musical Theatre at ASCAP – @Getty
You might have heard of her husband, actually, if you have any kind of interest in Broadway musicals. Indeed, Accurso was actually the musical director for the Broadway production of Aladdin.
He has also worked on various other Broadway shows over the years, so it would be safe to say that his musical expertise and ability to deal with highly demanding crowds and audiences make him the perfect partner for the Miss Rachel platform.
The couple also share a child, Thomas, who was born in 2018. In fact, it was Thomas who became a major inspiration for making the Miss Rachel platform work in the first place.
She had noted that Thomas seemed to have some delays in his speech. As such, Rachel put her skills to use an created content that she could use to help improve his speech and overcome the delays.
The success was so resounding that Miss Rachel was born, creating an account that can help children to improve their language confidence and control as well as help them with the pronunciation of common words.
If you watch her videos and you find the puppet character, Herbie, to be adorable then you might be interested to know that this is actually her husband.
How Much Money Does Miss Rachel Make?
Again, it appears that net worth estimations of around $10m feel accurate. The data suggest that Miss Rachel can make anything from $250,000 to $1.2m in a single month. Of course, that is a massive disparity and shows two things – how hard it is to estimate someone’s wealth without them telling us and how up-and-down earning potential can be online.
Another factor comes from the fact that in 2023, Miss Rachel took a break from creating content.
A flurry of insulting and hurtful content online had seen her take an interest in stepping back from the industry for a brief period.
While she is now back to creating awesome content and no doubt generating a lot of income for doing so, she has been able to overcome the toxicity of social media to get herself back out there.
Since her videos can draw in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views it is safe to say that she earns well from her Miss Rachel platform.
Indeed, the fact that Miss Rachel’s content is family-friendly means that her account likely gets more advertising insight and interaction than those who run adult-only platforms on YouTube.
That extra revenue is surely felt, given the huge numbers of families and kids watching Miss Rachel.
Key Facts
With millions of followers on YouTube and hundreds of thousands on Instagram, Miss Rachel is a platform that is a brand in its own right.
The show was successful, though, simply because of a mother who wanted to help her kids become more confident in their use of words and language.
The result is that Miss Rachel is now one of the most popular kids’ YouTube channels around.
The content is wholesome, with both parents and kids loving the way she puts herself across.
Families often come forward to say how much using Miss Rachel has helped them and their kids, too, so she is clearly doing a very good job at making things work from that perspective.
With millions of subscribers across her YouTube account and other social media channels, Miss Rachel looks set to be a fixture in the kid’s YouTube arena for years to come.
If she can continue to hone her skills and maintain that perfect chemistry with her husband, then the sky really is the limit as to how far – and how big – the Miss Rachel brand can become.
In terms of money being made, then, most estimates suggest that Miss Rachel makes $250,000 to $1.2m per month. Rachel Griffin Accurso also has a net worth of $10 million.
That is an incredible return for what was essentially a byproduct of helping her child become more confident in their own speech skills – talk about a happy consequence of doing something nice!
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