What is Francis Chan’s net worth?
Francis Chan is the best-selling author of ”Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, and Multiply” and has a net worth of $500,000.
He is also the former founding pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California.
He was born on August 31, 1967, in San Francisco, USA.
His mother died giving birth to him. His father remarried when he was 1 year old. After, his father moved the family to Hong Kong for his grandmother to look after Francis.
When he was 5 years old, Chan and his family moved back to the United States.
When he was 9 years old, his stepmother died in a car accident.
When he was 10 years old, his father remarried again. At age 13, he lost his father to cancer.
All these deaths and series of events helped Francis to better understand all aspects of life as well as the importance of knowing God. Also, Francis did not get along well with his father growing up.
After his father died, he was then raised by his second stepmother.
During high school and college, he was active in Christian youth groups. This helped him to develop his interest in ministry and his faith in Christ.
Francis has a Master of Divinity degree from Master’s Seminary as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from Master’s College.
Cornerstone Community Church

Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California, is a church Francis and his wife started in 1994 with 30 people.
Within 60 days, Cornerstone Community Church had grown to about 100 people.
After 6 years, the church was leading a million-dollar project to provide for the approximately 1,600-member congregation.
In the present day, it is now one of the largest churches in Ventura County.
On April 18, 2010, he announced that he felt called to resign from Cornerstone Community Church to pursue what God had laid on his heart.
During an interview, Chan said:
”God has graciously shown me the good fruit from my Cornerstone days as well as some of the fundamental mistakes I made early on. I hope to help others avoid some of the same mistakes.”
Francis went on to say:
”I realize now that I built a church designed around what I wanted in a church.”
He sold his house and spent about 12 months traveling through Southeast Asia, interacting with church leaders and visiting churches.
As he spent time in Asia, Francis caught a fresh vision of what church should be like.
In June 2011, Chan said that he felt called to San Francisco.
As of 2013, his website said he was:
“working to start a church planting movement in the inner city of San Francisco and also working to launch a countrywide discipleship movement.”
Chan started a new church-planting network named – ”We Are Church.” The church leaders are all volunteers, hence, they do not need to take a salary.
Moreover, each church meets in a person’s home, thus, there is no need to fundraise in order to purchase large buildings.
Each church is made up of 10 to 20 people. He explained that a smaller size helps Christians to:
“truly know each other and carry each other’s burdens.”
Eternity Bible College
In 2004, Chan founded Eternity Bible College as a ministry of Cornerstone Community Church.
Eternity Bible College offers a Certificate of Biblical Studies and a Bachelor of Biblical Studies.
The Eternity Bible College’s mission statement is:
“As an institution of Christian higher education, Eternity Bible College exists to glorify God through graduates whose lives are transformed by rigorous study of the Bible as Scripture, impassioned love for God, and gracious service in the church for the world.”
The school consists of pastors serving in local churches in the greater LA area.
As of May 2016, Eternity Bible College has helped more than 200 students graduate. Its graduates have joined the workforce in many different capacities, are pursuing seminary-level education, or are serving as youth pastors, pastors, or missionaries (in Iraq, Hungary, India, France, and Israel).
He moved to Hong Kong in 2020.
Some of his released books are:
- September 1, 2018 – Letters to the Church;
- August 26, 2014 – You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity;
- April 1, 2013 – Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God;
- November 1, 2012 – Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples;
- September 1, 2011 – Living Crazy Love: An Interactive Workbook for Individual or Small-Group Study;
- July 5, 2011 – Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We’ve Made Up;
- December 1, 2010 – Who Is God?: Follower’s Guide (BASIC. Series);
- March 1, 2010 – Remembering the Forgotten God: An Interactive Workbook for Individual and Small Group Study;
- September 1, 2009 – Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit.
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Francis Chan got married to Lisa Chan, a singer, in 1994.
The couple has seven children.
He once said:
”God values children and their role in His Kingdom far more than we do.”
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”Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter unless it is about loving God and loving the people he has made?”
”Technology is really about speed: doing everything faster and with less effort.”
“God’s definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love.”
”There have been stirrings throughout our country, and some of these are not the usual critics but true lovers and servants of the church – which is awesome.”
“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”
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In September 2014, he joined the board of elders of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.
Before becoming a senior pastor, Francis worked for:
- the Acapulco restaurant;
- Taco Bell;
- hardwood flooring contractors;
- Broadway Men’s Clothing;
- Ralphs Market;
- Kirby Company;
- Mic Pizza.
In December 2015, Francis spoke at the Chinese Mission Convention in Baltimore.
In 2005, he was the featured speaker in the Stop And Think video.
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Net Worth 2024
So, how much is Francis Chan worth? Chan earned most of his wealth from founding Cornerstone Community Church and selling his books, particularly on Amazon. In addition, Chan owns a hotel, a marina, and restaurants. However, he gives away around 50% of his income. Therefore, American author Francis Chan has an estimated net worth of $500,000.
On Amazon, Francis Chan’s books have over 33,000 ratings — this means an estimated 1,650,000 to 3,300,000 copies sold.
Furthermore, Chan has donated most of his book royalties.
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References https://www.premierchristianity.com/Past-Issues/2019/February-2019/Francis-Chan-Why-I-quit-my-megachurch https://www.biblegateway.com/blog/2018/10/nterview-with-francis-chan/ https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2018/october/francis-chan-letters-church-book https://www.christianpost.com/news/francis-chan-warns-satan-is-getting-the-victory
Thursday 24th of February 2022
What a wonderful experience listening to this man. He manages to keep my mind on what really matters. Thank you Lord for all you have done and still do for me.
Saturday 12th of June 2021
God bless you Francis Chan. You are a true example of a loving, giving servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your giving spirit is an example to Christians everywhere! Once again God bless you and your family!
Thursday 29th of October 2020
He has never taken a salary. He did sell his home and of course they needed a place to live and he bought a trailer, he gives the money from his books away, he opens his home to others, opens his hotel for the homeless and preaches the Word to millions and some how people find fault in it!?! Yes, God has blessed him for everything he does to advance His kingdom. Just because he serves the Lord doesn't mean he can't have any money either and 300k compared to the millions and millions he could have should show people he does what he says and obeys God! He travels all over spreading the Gospel and that does take money and probably a big part of why he has been blessed. He also doesn't keep more than he needs. The churches he started bring in about.a million dollars a month and they give it all to those in need, he has never turned someone away that has needed help and because of the good fruit he has produced God has blessed him and has allowed Him to bless many many more from his fruits. The comment above about his dad he has said he was thankful for him and has forgiven him but he doesn't lie therfore he doesn't say he was a wonderful man and he rarely talks about him nor his stepmother because when he preaches he preaches the Word and not about himself or his family. If you have read the Bible you know God has blessed those with a pure heart, those that don't seek their own glory, that know God's Word and that pray about everything. Just because he keeps very little of what he makes doesn't mean he doesn't have a pure heart. How anyone can find fault in him keeping 300k of his income out of hundreds of millions is sad especially when he has blessed and shared the Gospel with millions. His family or himself don't live for themselves they live for the Lord in every way and I hope that I can one day have his knowledge and strength to live how him and his family do since, he is an example of what God asks of us
Saturday 12th of September 2020
Wow. Francis Chan only has to answer to God. I am sure God smiles every time Francis Chan touches someone’s heart and brings them closer to Him.
Wednesday 24th of June 2020
Yes. This is the struggle of my belief too. All the preachers (local or over the Internet) who preach about yielding completely to God even if it means suffering, putting God first, none of the material posessions matter etc, none of them practise what they preach. They all sacrifice to a certain extend, and I respect that, but they still have so much going for them that if they find out tomorrow that their God were not real, they would still be living a very good life by all standards. But then, using what they preach, none of your issues (jobless, true financial hardship, no family at all for decades, chronic severe pain from illness, at the verge of homelessness, clinical depression from rape or childhood abuse, etc) matter to them. The only thing that mattets is you give more to their church or charity and pray for their church (and their reputation and career) to grow. As for you, as an individual, your well being does not matter.
The only people who give it all for their God and truly put their God first above her, are some Catholics and the tibet buddhist belivers (e.g. Ming Yur Rinpoche). But the tibet buddhists are believing in the wrong god/belief, and the Catholics worship Mary even though they would not admit it. I dont know who to believe in anymore.
Francis Chan always said he sold his house in many sermons. Yes, he did, and then he went on mission. But he keeps the money from the sale. So, what is the big deal about selling the house? Or he sold the 2000 sq ft one and bought a 1000 sq ft one. But he then can pay off the mortgage or he kept the extra, also, he built an extension in the smaller house, and he no longer shared with tenants. So... it is just re-organizing how he invests his $ in different forms of worldly assets.
Does Francis Chan ever do anything for or say anything good about his step mother who raised him? And he does not have to forgive his father since he is already dead, while he never has anything good to say about his dad.
I think his wife, really has faith in how she obeys and supports him.
Anyway, i dont know what to think or believe anymore. He does a lot of great work. But may be not as much as he preaches.
I dont know what to think. I just want all my sufering will.ebdc
Saturday 24th of July 2021
I feel like the fact that he donates half of his income says a LOT. It does take some money to continue to do good works. It takes a lot of money to get a book published. God expects us to provide for our families, and in fact commands us to do so. Considering college is at the minimum 40k nowadays, and he has 7 children, that only leaves 20k left out of 300k... I don't feel like Chan is the type to hold too well to material goods, or especially to flaunt them. He seems to be using them to further his outreach to others - at least from what I can see. The fact that he dissolved his mega-church into a bunch of non-profit timy churches also speaks volumes. What greedy man would ever consider such an idea? Let alone act on it?!?
On the issue of his father - he has talked about how hard it was for him to come to truly forgiving him. Yes, he often speaks of how hard his upbringing was, but I feel it's always in the context of becoming a relatable figure to others who have gone through abuse. It's not like he's doing it simply to berate the man - he's trying to connect with people on a personal level so that they will pay more attention to his teachings.