What is Sharon Ramsey’s net worth?
Sharon Ramsey and her husband have an estimated net worth of $200 million. Behind every successful individual is a loving partner who gives them the support they need during tough times.
If you ever meet someone successful and tell you they never made a mistake, they lie.
Everyone has made mistakes in their life, and most people who have become successful have, at one stage, faced potential ruin in their business.
For that reason, the people behind them are so important: they encourage them to keep going and persevere through the tough times. One person who can absolutely say they were supported is Dave Ramsey.
Backed by his loving wife, Sharon Ramsey, Dave has enjoyed a stellar career.
The Origin Story

Dave and Sharon Ramsey arrive to Eagles Perform First-Ever Concert At Grand Ole Opry – Arrivals at Grand Ole Opry House on October 29, 2017 in Nashville – @Getty
As mentioned above, Sharon Ramsey is the wife of the famous Dave Ramsey.
The couple has been together for a long time, and Sharon’s work has played a leading role in helping the Ramsey family name become so well-known across the USA.
Though Sharon is not known to be the financial expert that her husband is, she has been the bedrock that provided Dave with the foundations needed to build his successful career.
Sharon is a critical part of the Ramsey family’s success, having played a key role in praising the children and supporting Dave and his business ventures in ways the public never sees but Dave has benefitted from.
The couple have been married since the 1980s and have been a key part of each other’s lives.
They have always been there for one another, and Sharon has played a massive role in giving Dave the help and support he needed to succeed.
They have overcome financial hurdles together, overcome tough times, and built a successful business life and empire for themselves and their children.
The result is that the Ramsey name is one of the most associated with financial expertise across America.
Sharon, though, is one of those important background influences.
She does not put herself at the forefront of her husband’s business or become too involved.
Her husband is the famous Dave Ramsey, a successful financial expert and author.

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He is also a prominent radio host and has been involved in assisting people across America with his financial insight and advice.
The Ramseys have three children in their lives. They are called Denise, Rachel, and Daniel.
All three have followed Dave and Sharon into the financial world, which has paid off massively as life continues.
Indeed, Rachel is known for her successful range of financial books and has, alongside her father, authored successful books such as her best-seller Smart Money and Smart Kids.
Rachel regularly appears as a financial guru and insight provider on the Dave Ramsey Show. In this flagship show, Dave provides financial advice to people in America looking for insight and help.
Net Worth
Sharon Ramsey and her husband have an estimated net worth of $200m. However, while figures have been alluded to over the years that Dave has worked in the finance industry, direct statistics have never been shared.
This is more impressive because Dave made poor choices as a youngster.
In his mid-20s, Dave was forced to file for bankruptcy.
Without Sharon’s support, it is likely that he would never have recovered from the pain that bankruptcy can cause to one’s reputation.
Ever since, though, he has created a business empire that is believed to turn over tens of millions of dollars annually.
This often comes through things like book sales, his work on the radio, and his coursework provided through the Financial Peace University program.
His books have sold millions of copies, as have those he has sold alongside his successful children.
So, the Ramsey family has come through much financial hardship to eventually build a business empire that inspires Americans nationwide to do more with their money.
Without his wife’s kindness and support, there is no way that Dave Ramsey could have built up his empire.