What is Les Brown’s net worth?
Les Brown is a successful motivational speaker in the United States and has a net worth of $10 million.
He had what many would consider humble beginnings and has endured many hardships in his life, all of which have led him to be an inspiring person to others.
He had a rocky start in life; he was put up for adoption as a baby, in school, he was constantly underestimated and labeled as mentally deficient; however, he has turned all these things into a thriving empire and is a well-known motivational speaker and successful author.
Let’s look closer into Les’ life and how he became what he is today.
The Origin Story
Les, aka Leslie Calvin Brown, was born in Miami, FL, in 1945 into a very difficult family situation.
When he was six weeks old, he and his twin brother were both given up for adoption to the woman who would become his mother, raise him, and motivate him to become the success he is today, Mrs. Mamie Brown.
Les had to learn to overcome hardships from a very young age.
When Les was in fifth grade, he was held back due to reports he was being disruptive in his classroom.
One thing led to another, and young Les was eventually put into special education classes and labeled as mentally challenged.
This would’ve been a huge setback for most; however, Les made the best of it and worked harder than ever to get himself through High School.
First Job
Les graduated high school and briefly worked for the Department of Sanitation before becoming a runner for a local Miami Beach radio station.
It was there that he watched all the local DJs with admiration, hoping to one day become an on-air personality himself.
Big Break

No matter how hard he worked, he couldn’t seem to get past his entry-level errand-boy job at the radio station.
One day, one of the DJs at the radio station where Les worked showed up intoxicated; the rest, as they say, is history.
Les subbed in for him last minute and was immediately hired on as a DJ.
This small step catapulted him forward in his career and laid the groundwork for his future motivational speaking career.
WVKO Radio
In the 1960s, Les moved to Ohio and was hired by WVKO Radio in Columbus.
This is where he began to participate as an activist and started to take part in his community.
He became very vocal and began to dip his toe into the political realm.
In 1977, Les was elected to the 29th House District of the Ohio State Legislature.
Here, he made history right away, passing more laws than any other newly elected representative in Ohio history.
Les remained in the Ohio State House of Representatives until 1981 when he left for Florida to take care of his mother.
There, he stayed laser-focused on social issues, even developing a youth training program for the young people in his community.
Motivational Speaker

BrianTracy, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Darren Hardy, Dennis Waitley and Chris Widener during a memorial service for Jim Rohn in Anaheim, California – @Getty
In 1986, Les began developing his professional career as a motivational speaker and formed his own company called Les Brown Enterprises, Inc.
To this day, this company produces and distributes motivational materials, hosts workshops, and organizes professional development programs.
Les is also once hosted the Les Brown Show, which was a nationally syndicated talk show.
In August 2021, AP announced a live in-person event called “Hungry for Greatness” at the Rock Church in NYC.
In 1995, Les Brown married Gladys Knight, the famous singer. They were married for approximately two years and were divorced in 1997. It was known as a very bitter divorce, and they even fought over custody of their son.

At the time of writing, Les Brown is not married.
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Les has ten children, fifteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Battled with Cancer, and Won!
Les Brown is even a cancer survivor!
In 1997, Les Brown was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
He used this as motivation to learn as much as he could from other cancer survivors in order to help him fight the disease.
In 1989, he received the Council of Peers Award of Excellence from the National Speaker’s Association.
In 1991, he won the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International.
In 1990, Les recorded You Deserve, which was the first of a speech series, and it was awarded a Chicago-area Emmy.
Les Brown is known worldwide as an accomplished speaker. He has also authored several successful books, including Live Your Dreams and It’s Not Over Until You Win, The Law of Success”, and many more.
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Net Worth
So, how much is Les Brown worth? Brown is one of the wealthiest motivational speakers in the nation. He is widely considered one of the United States’ leaders when it comes to understanding and encouraging human potential. Therefore, Les Brown has an estimated net worth of $10 million.
He continues to be a guest on many radio stations and is often hired by large corporations to inspire team building and increase professional achievements.
Brown’s online course can be bought on – lesbrown.com/training.
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