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Super Siah Net Worth

What is Super Siah’s net worth?

Super Siah is a social media entertainer and viral YouTube sensation who has a net worth of $4 million. The child influencer has a whopping 4.8 million followers, and he only just turned 11 in April.

Super Siah has skyrocketed to fame with kids everywhere, thanks to his entertaining challenge videos, pranks, music videos, and family-friendly vlogs.

The main content on his channel is aimed at the under 10’s crowd, where corny pranks and reaction videos are popular fodder.

But the youngster is also popular on his parents’ BEAM Squad channel, where he stars alongside his parents and siblings.

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The Origin Story

Super Siah—whose real name is Messiah Louis Altidor—was born on April 11, 2013, in Miami, Florida.

His father is William Altidor—also known as Billy Bentley—and his mother is Evanie Louis.

Messiah was the first child for both Billy and Evanie—who is most well known as Eva on the popular BEAM Squad channel.

After Messiah was born in 2013, the pair welcomed a daughter named Melanie on February 23, 2019, and a son named Major in 2020.

Messiah was thrown into the limelight when his parents featured him on their family channel, BEAM Squad.

They then started a channel in Messiah’s own name—Super Siah—in 2017. He hadn’t even turned 4 years old yet.

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Famous At Age 3

When Messiah made his public debut on Eva and Billy’s YouTube channel, he was only 3 years old.

The video, Pie Face Challenge / Meet Our Son, would be the first time the couple of fame chasers would feature their kids, but it wouldn’t be the last.

BEAM Squad was never destined to enjoy the level of fame the pair were looking for, but Messiah was a major hit with fans.

Cute and engaging, with a natural appeal to other kids, Eva and Billy realized that it was videos with Messiah that were bringing in the viewers.

Home Alone Prank on 3yr Old Son became one of the channel’s first big wins—although eventually, the pranks they pulled on their other kids would overtake this one.

Pranking their children catapulted BEAM Squad to the level of fame Messiah’s parents were chasing, and made him famous in his own right.

Once his parents launched his eponymous Super Siah channel, they dropped his first video—Super Siah 3yr old Interview—in January of 2017.

Altidor is best known for his family friendly content—unsurprising, since he won’t turn 10 until 2023.

From DIY videos and challenges, to reactions and vlogs, he has steadily built up his follower count to 4.22 million.

Altidor is also a child sensation on the mic.

He has starred in several music videos, like School is OUT, which amassed more than 57 million views between its debut in July 2019—when Siah was 6—and 2021.

Two of his biggest successes on YouTube so far have been I Love My Life, a music video with a whopping 118 million video views, and his top performer—Super Siah Eat Peeps Johnny Johnny Yes Papa—which has racked up a video view count of 178 million.

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Things Take a Turn

While Altidor remains his charming little kid self, engaging with children everywhere and entertaining the masses, things weren’t all rainbows and butterflies at home.

In fact, in March 2020, Messiah’s parents, Billy Altidor and Evanie Louis, found themselves in a lot of hot water.

The couple had pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit theft of government funds and aggravated identity theft the year before, and were facing seven years in prison.

Luckily for the pair, they escaped with much lighter sentences on account of the fact they had 3 young children—Messiah, Melanie, and a third on the way.

Billy, who uses the name Billy B as he tries to launch a rap career, received a two year prison sentence.

Evanie was sentenced to 366 days.

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What did Billy Bentley and Eva do to end up in prison?

Super Siah’s parents used stolen personal information in 2014 and 2015 to take benefit payments that belonged to elderly people.

In total, the pair attempted to access the Social Security accounts of more than 1,400 people.

They also pled guilty to using stolen identities to receive other people’s tax return payments.

They have been ordered to pay almost $100,000 in restitution to the victims of their fraud. Billy, who is attempting to launch a rap career, cried in a video to fans on his way to prison.

Despite this setback—and the embarrassment Billy and Eva’s criminal behavior causes to their family—Super Siah hasn’t seen too much impact.

His career as an influential young YouTuber continues to thrive.

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Net Worth

So, how much is Super Siah worth?

Siah earned most of his wealth from sponsors and ads on YouTube.

Some of Siah’s sponsors include – HBO Max, Cartoon Network, Bunch O Balloons, and more.

On YouTube, Siah has over 1.9 billion views–meaning about $5.7 million in revenue before state taxes.

Therefore, Super Siah has an estimated net worth of $4 million.

However, at this time, all of Siah’s money are managed by his parents.


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