What is Parker Schnabel’s net worth?
Parker Schnabel is an American reality television star and gold miner who has a net worth of $10 million. Schnabel has gained fame for his role in Discovery Channel’s reality series, Gold Rush.
He was born on July 22, 1994, in Haines, Alaska, as Parker Russell Schnabel, to Roger and Nancy Schnabel.
Parker has a brother, Payson Schnabel.
He grew up in Porcupine Creek, Alaska.
Schnabel began summer work at the Big Nugget Mine when he was a kid.
His grandfather, John Schnabel, passed away in 2016.
He was 96.
John was also part of the Gold Rush and owned a claim to the Big Nugget mine in Porcupine Creek, Alaska.

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”John lived a great life and was one of a kind. I am glad the world got to see an amazing man,” tweeted Parker at the time.
Parker Schnabel graduated from high school in May 2012.
He skipped college to begin mining.
Gold Rush

Parker Schnabel and Josh Gates attend the Discovery Upfront 2018 – @Getty
Schnabel has been on the series since the show’s second season.
The series follows the escapades of a group of miners who initially took up the mining pursuit since they had lost their jobs.
In the fourth season of Gold Rush, Parker set up his own mining operation using his college fund.
”My mom always hated the idea of me not going to college,” Parker told Entrepreneur. He added: ”So I always intended on going and not pissing her off. But then I met Tony Beets and went to the Yukon.”
Since season 2, he started to mine his grandfather’s property at Big Nugget Mine.
Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail

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Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail started in 2017, and it follows Parker on mining trips to other areas. It is produced for Discovery Channel by Raw Television.
In the first season, Parker and his team attempt the Klondike trail of 1897. In the second season, Schnabel went to the jungles of Guyana, South America.
”The big thing is with the heat and the jungle environment…there are all sorts of things that will maim and/or kill you,” Parker told Fox News about his trip to Guyana.
Parker took his hunt for gold to Australia (one of the world’s largest gold-producing nations) in the fourth season.
In 2018, he appeared in Gold Rush: The Rise of Rick Ness.
In 2020, Paker was featured in the documentary Gold Rush: The Legend of Porcupine Creek.
”It’s a very intense business, you have short amount of time, like we have four months to basically make all the money that we can in it in a season, so, its a very intense business,” Parker told in an interview at the BUILD Brunch table. ”You never know what you’re gonna get. It’s like going to Vegas.”
Parker Schnabel used to date Ashley Youle, a certified veterinary nurse who he met after a trip to Australia. She was first seen in season 6 of Gold Rush.
”Ashley and I broke up. I just never really made the relationship a priority, didn’t make her a priority, and she deserves a lot better than that,” — Parker said in 2018. He continued: ”At the end of the day, I do think she is doing what’s best for her, and that’s the hardest part of it… it’s a real shame.”
Some rumors sparked that Parker is dating his assistant producer of Gold Rush, Sheena Cowell, after posting a photo of the two.
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”The biggest asset any business has is the people who work there.”
”Mining traditionally is a fairly family-oriented business.”
”The toughest thing is that it’s very seasonal work, and we basically have four months to make a year’s worth of money.”
”Loved being out on the water and in the woods looking for deer.”

Jeff ‘AZN’ Bonnett, Josh Gates, Schnabel, and Sean ‘Farmtruck’ Whitley – © Guliver / Getty Images
In March 2018, there were some reports that he bought a mansion in Alaska for $950,000. But, he denied it in a tweet: ”The best part of this BS is that I don’t have any house anywhere, I’m homeless.”
Other cast members of Gold Rush are Monica Beets and Freddy Dodge.
He oddly resembles actor Adam Driver.

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Net Worth
So, how much is Parker Schnabel worth? Schnabel earned most of his wealth from starring in Gold Rush and the gold he and his team have mined. Therefore, Parker Schnabel has an estimated net worth of $10 million.
In season two, he mined 34 oz ($55,000) from Big Nugget Mine. In season four, Parker mined 1,029 ounces ($1.4 million). In season five, Schnabel mined 2,538 ounces ($3 million).
In season six, Parker and his crew mined 3,372 ounces ($3.5 million). In season seven, he managed to mine 4,300 ounces ($5 million). ”I was happy with what we found this season, for sure,” he said at the end of the season.
In season eight of Gold Rush, Schnabel mined 6,280 ounces ($7.5 million), while in season 9 – 7,427 ounces ($9 million). In season ten, Schnabel mined 7,223 ounces ($10.8 million).
”Gold mining, like most things in life, you get out of it what you put in,” Schnabel once said.
Parker, his brother, and his father are shareholders in The Big Nugget gold mining company.
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Bill Reddell
Saturday 30th of April 2022
Parker, you should refine your own gold into different size bars or coins that are certified “Parker’s Gold Rush” with your profile on one side and Monster Red on the back. Charge a premium and I know fans would buy them! I sure would!
Bill LaFreniere
Friday 3rd of December 2021
Bill from Bellingham, WA. I got bit by the gold bug many years ago. Made plans to do mining but those plans always fell through from lack of funding. Would like to see Parker do what I failed to do. Buy a boat and build a dredge that can be remotely operated from the boat. To dredge the deep-water gold at Nome. Look me up Parker. I know how to build it. By the way, always loved the show
Friday 17th of September 2021
Love this show. Seeing Parker and his crew work hard, and putting all that love Parker has for gold mining it really is the American Dream. Much love and rispect to you Parker, your family and your hard working crew. God Bless You All
Saturday 3rd of July 2021
This season is all focused on Dave& team. I enjoy watching bye where is Parker?
Saturday 8th of May 2021
The last Parkers trail was in Australia and he spent a lot of time looking for land to buy or lease for gold mining. His young lady helped him with introductions to a number of claim holders and made a good contact with a family that was interested in working with him. Has he followed up on any of these contacts? The young Australia girl and her family helped Parker stake and file claim to a property in Australia that the show referred to Parker and the young woman as being partners what is the followup on this claim?